
Meher Baba, at One with God.

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This painting (32x 22 inch acrylic on canvas) is the front cover of a new book ready for release very soon. The book is named Pinball Wizard and is a calling to love from the Divine Paramatma light. Those who read the discourses of Meher Baba will know the nomenclature applied, but the Divine Grace in Light of Heart is the Paramatma that is present within us all. As we align to the teachings within, the Paramatman Light calls each of us to follow with dedication far beyond the desires of the human beliefs we hold to, and in that following, we are ever more at ease and ever more in love with God and All and Everything as God.

The book is dedicated to Pete Townsend of The Who, as directed from the greater awareness within. There are many who may enjoy this book and therefore it is to be published for the public to read also. Many may not yet understand its meaning, but the world of energetic subtle in the calling to God, and God as love, works within conciousness as we rise in concious awareness together. Often the intellectual mind holds us apart from the conciousness rise and therefor intellectual understanding is not a requirement of reading these books. The painting shows Meher Baba communicating Divine Love and along the unseen edges of the canvas are written wise words of His Grace, flowing from a meditative state of mind. These can be seen at the top of the painting after looping around the outside.

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Meher Baba, at One with God.
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