“A gripping read from the very start. We all consider ourselves to have faced some challenges in life, but reading this book is sure to make most readers feel humbled by the challenges Michael faced, and how he has coped with, and risen above these. You would imagine a story like this to be fiction, however this is absolutely true and the book contains clear evidence to support this. I look forward to this authors future titles” Celia Oates

”Unputdownable! Wow! I couldn't put down this amazing book that will make you laugh and possibly cry. It is heartbreaking and touching, very powerful, and the authors voice is present throughout. I cannot wait for his next book.” SJ

“Amazing read! This book was a real eye opener —into corruption and an unlawful sentence. It just shows how a man can be beaten so far down but still keeps fighting on. All I will say is Mr Smallman has got the heart of a lion.” Chris

“An absorbing read and a real eye opener. A brave undertaking to write this book. It exposes the wrongdoings of the judicial system and national institutions we rely on. It is absorbing, disturbing and yet inspiring and, in places, very amusing. Memories of his youth and details of his prison life are both harrowing and uplifting. It would make a great film.”  Debbie Harper.

“Loved this book, a great read! It took me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and left me with a big smile on my face. I can highly recommend it and look forward to book two.” J Houghton

 “An excellent, gripping read. This book opens eyes to what is going on in the systems we trust to protect us.” Andrea

A Note From The Author:

This book touches on many important issues that I now want to address and champion. I am looking for support in this; buying the book, spreading the word and providing opportunities to talk with audiences across the UK. I have to share my story to motivate and inspire people, to ‘Never give up and never give in’.

There are millions of people who have gone through adversities in their life path just as I have.  Some of the many adversities that I have faced range from extreme and violent bullying, abuse, persecution, illness and bereavement to being denied many basic human rights. I’ve had incredible highs and lows in my life to date and have gone to hell and back many times over during the last sixty years. The prison sentence I endured was just like an earthquake with a richter scale reading magnitude 10…and from a human rights perspective, the aftershocks keep coming.

Opening up and sharing is not only part of my healing process. I very much hope that I can go on to help many people to understand the resilience and love that they can calibrate their daily lives with. Despite everything from the past, I have remained sanguine and I still smile every day. The now and the future are accumilating into the most positive and successful period of my life.


By purchasing this book or a painting from this website, or by making a donation, you will be contributing towards the funding of seminars and events to support and motivate people — because they too can  get through anything — no matter what they are experiencing. This can, and may well, lead to some laws being changed and the people in power being more transparent, honest and willing to learn meaningful lessons to help and improve many outdated systems that are in place today.

I need help to do this — from you, the public, and the people working in the world of media, to highlight, develop and apply this mission. I need direct involvement from people and organisations that also desire postive change. You can help by getting involved, so please feel free to contact me and we can talk.

As Winston Churchill once so famously said "When you're going through hell keep going.”

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